Friday 31 July 2015


After 21 hours in the air and three stopovers, sydney, bankok and dubai we finally arrived in istanbul and 38 degrees a slightly higher temp than home, istanbul straddles two continents europe and asia. Our hotel in perfect location in european side. Easy walking distance to blue mosque, food places (malcolm happy) and shopping although marie and sandy havent had a chance to hit the markets yet. First night we dinned at a little cafe down a dark alley. Cats everywhere and malc a bit worried he may have had a cat kebab  for dinner. Entertainment followed  when half the tables and chairs and customers had to be moved to allow a car to drive through.


Spent the morning at the museum of Anatolian civilizations.  It was housed in a 15th century market place . The best museum we have ever been to. The exibits were all in chronological order which made for easy viewing. Then it was on the bus for a 4hr journey to cappadoccia.  On the way we had a quick stop at salt lake that produces 60% of turkeys salt. It was huge. Covering an area of 1500 sq kms. We walked out on the salt with the millions of other people!!!!!!!  Funniest sight of day was a woman walking out in high heel shoes. Bet she wished she had jandals like us..  also on the way we came across  a caravanserai. This is where the camel trains on the silk route stopped over night for food and protection. Entering cappadoccia was like entering another world. Magical. Our hotel is in Goreme amongst the cave houses and fairy chimneys.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Istanbul day two

Our free morning started with a visit to the basilica cistern. Amazing to think that this underground structure built in 532ad to store water for istanbul city was able to store enough water for the palace and surrounding city for ten years. The water came from a reservoir near the black sea via 20km of aqueducts.
Next adventure was the hop on hop off bus which was well worth doing as it covered a large area of istanbul allowing us to decide whether or not we needed to  further explore some of these attactions. We saw the huge queues outside the aya sofya mosque and decided to leave that visit until later when we are back in istanbul at end of tour. The Sultanahamet area which has a lot of these mayor attractions is near our hotel. It was while Marie and Sandy where exploring the hippodrome (while malc sat in shade) that Sandy got a marriage proposal but Mama (Marie)  told him in a not so friendly tone that she was not available!!!!!!!! B ack to hotel to meet our fellow travelers and to have a team talk. The group consists of 5 kiwis, 2 bazilian girls, and 8 aust  and iskander our lovely young turkish guide. We went out for dinner as a group to a restaurant that had no power but somehow they presented us with a beautiful meal..

Monday 27 July 2015

Wednesday 15 July 2015

8 DaysTill departure

This is what Marie would like to pack - now she has to cut it down by half !