Friday 31 July 2015


Spent the morning at the museum of Anatolian civilizations.  It was housed in a 15th century market place . The best museum we have ever been to. The exibits were all in chronological order which made for easy viewing. Then it was on the bus for a 4hr journey to cappadoccia.  On the way we had a quick stop at salt lake that produces 60% of turkeys salt. It was huge. Covering an area of 1500 sq kms. We walked out on the salt with the millions of other people!!!!!!!  Funniest sight of day was a woman walking out in high heel shoes. Bet she wished she had jandals like us..  also on the way we came across  a caravanserai. This is where the camel trains on the silk route stopped over night for food and protection. Entering cappadoccia was like entering another world. Magical. Our hotel is in Goreme amongst the cave houses and fairy chimneys.

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