Monday 3 August 2015

Cappadocia to Konya

We visited the underground city of Derinkuyu. All the rooms were carved out of the soft  volcanic rock and  covered 8 levels to a depth of 43m.The early Christians  sheltered when being persecuted by the Romans.
Then we had a 4km walk along the Valley of Ihiara, following the river. Along the way we saw  cave churches and frescoes. Even though it was extremely hot it was lovely and relaxing. Best buy of the day was fresh cherries at 7 lira a kg ( about $3.50 ) being sold at the end of the track.
Then a long bus trip to Konya and a  visit to the Mevlana Mausoleum_ a museum housing artifacts relating to Rumi and the Whirling Dervish sect. 

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