Sunday 2 August 2015

Up, up and away

Early start today 4.00am as it was hot air ballooning on the agenda. After a quick bus ride to our take off point it was all in and away. We were in the air before 6am to catch the sun rise and the favourable wind conditions. What an expience. Something we will never forget and Marie was very pleased that we convinced her to do it. Along with about 50plus other balloons we floated over this incredible landscape for over an hour. Great landing straight onto trailer then celebrated with cherry champagne and cake. Back to hotel for breakfast then on bus again to the top of Rose valley for a 2hr walk down though Orchard s, gardens, caves and rock formations to a village below. Then it was onto the village of Pasabag for a special treat of ice ream made of goats milk and root of orchid. Sounds weird but it was lovely with elastic like texture.  A nice treat for a hot day. Back to hotel for quiet afternoon, a nana nap and ready for some retail therapy when its cooler inthe evening. Some of group are going to cooking class, some for a turish bath and others to a turkish dinner and belly dance show.

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