Tuesday 18 August 2015


We bravely caught the train from Royston to London and then the underground from kings cross to Hyde Park corner. Easy when you know how!!!!!!!! From here we walked to Buckingham Palace early thinking we would get a good spot to see the changing of the guards at 11am but 10's of thousands of people had the same idea and we couldnt even get near the palace fences. Got a glimpse of the guards hats going by and heard the band passing. Guess this is real London and it is school holidays. We then ambled up The Mall to Trafalgar Square and after a few photo shots moved onto horse guards road for a quick  cuppa and toilet stop in St James Park. Then continued passed Downing St to Churchill's underground war rooms. A well worth visit. Amazing to think that no one knew about this top secret  location until after the war. We spent over two hours here and could have easily spent another hour or two . Next stop was Westminster Abby but we arrived too late  to get in  but were told about evensong at 5pm so filled in some time by walking over the Westminster Bridge to view the London Eye and to find out about river criuses up the Thames.  We made it back to Westminster Abby in  time for a lovely hour service with a visiting choir from America.  Back onto the tube to kings cross then train to Royston then home. Marie doing really well with her driving navigating around all the little lanes. Malc in back seat with Gloria Garmin. Just incase you are wondering Malc's licence is on route from NZ as we speak!!!!!!!!!!!

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