Wednesday 26 August 2015


We headed north to Ely today to visit the Ely cathedral and weren't disappointed. This huge and ornate cathedral dominates the skyline  and is dubbed 'ship of the Fens' because it is so visable across the flat countryside. Ely became a cathedral in 1109 - there had been a place of worship here since  673AD. Marie and Sandy managed the 288 steps to the top of one of the towers and we would have had a wonderful view to far away Cambridge if it hadnt been cloudy and drizzling, but what we did see was well worth the climb. A marvelous stained glass museum within the cathedral was great. Unfortunately we didnt see a great deal of Ely city as we had already spent over 3 hours in the cathedral and then didnt see it all but we wanted to visit the American cemetery at Cambridge before it shut at 5pm. After one or two wrong turns we got there at 4.30pm and were so grad to make it in time for a very quick walk through. It was stunning, with a 427ft memorial wall and 3812 crosses  and star of David headstones all set out in an immaculate  setting of trees, hedges, lawn and rose beds. The crosses were arranged in rows of 90 deg arcs.

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